Why Everyone Needs Social-Emotional Support

Articles Sep 01, 2023

Written by Sherreccia Jackson

Did you know that social-emotional wellness is just as important as physical health? It's true! In fact, many people would say that it's even more important. After all, if we're not feeling good emotionally, it can be tough to function physically. That's why it's so important for employees to have access to social-emotional support.

Employees who have access to social-emotional support are more productive. They take less time off from work, have a better work-life balance, and are more likely to seek out training to remain competent in their skills.

 This article will explore some of the ways that managers can create social-emotional support systems for their employees. By doing so, they can create a more positive work environment and help their employees be more successful.


What is Social-Emotional Wellness, and Why is it Important?

Social-emotional wellness is a state of being in which we feel good about ourselves and our relationships. We're able to effectively manage our emotions, set boundaries, and communicate our needs. We feel like we belong to a community and have a support system.

There are many reasons why social-emotional wellness is so important. Here are just a few:


  • When we're emotionally well, we're more likely to take care of our physical health. We're more likely to exercise, eat healthy foods, and get regular check-ups.
  • We're better able to manage stress. This means we're less likely to experience burnout, anxiety, and depression.
  • We're better able to relate to others. This allows us to build strong, healthy relationships.
  • We're able to make better decisions. This is because we're able to think more clearly and aren't as easily influenced by our emotions.


 As you can see, social-emotional wellness is important for everyone. It's not just something that students need; it's something that we all need.


How Managers Can Create a Social-Emotional Support System for Their Employees

There are many things that managers can do to create social-emotional support systems. Here are just a few:


  • Encourage employees to take time off: It's important for employees to have a good work-life balance. When they're able to take time off and relax, they're more likely to be productive when they're working.
  •  Seek out training: Employees who feel like they're competent in their skills are more likely to be productive. Managers can help employees by providing training opportunities.
  •  Create networks: When employees have access to a network of support, they're more likely to feel like they belong and can therefore be more productive.
  •  Mentor employees: Mentoring relationships can be very beneficial for both parties. Employees who have a mentor are more likely to feel supported and be more successful.


By implementing these strategies, managers can create social-emotional support systems for their employees. This will help create a more positive work environment.


Creating a Network of Support

Managers and employers should be aware of the importance of creating a network of support for employees. When employees feel comfortable and supported in their work environment, they are more likely to be productive and have a positive outlook.

 By establishing a network of support, managers can create an environment that is conducive to social and emotional support. This can be done by:


  • Providing resources, such as employee assistance programs.
  • Providing access to mental health services.
  • Promoting a culture of open communication.
  • Encouraging employees to seek out support from one another.


When managers take the time to create a network of support, they are making an investment in their employees' well-being. This not only benefits the employees but also the organization as a whole.


Final Thoughts

We hope this article has shown you the importance of social-emotional support and how managers can create a system that benefits their employees.