
MHF STEM Tier II Program

Mission Hope Foundation is committed to academic partnership excellence. Our goal is to serve the “whole student”. To build on the technology domain of our STEM model, we have created an elevated step to engage students through our STEM II component that includes interactive technology through video game coding and production. Our Tier II programming is for secondary students grades 4-12. There is something for everyone!

Our gaming platform is designed to promote literacy, video game coding, career preparedness, and to inspire interest in Career Technical Education (CTE).

Through our STEM II-Digital Gaming platform, we are offering 2-D animated interactive gaming modules integrating our mascot Briefie. To support the literacy component of the model, each video game has a storyline and activities attached, designed to keep the player engaged in each intergalactic journey all while promoting literacy.

All our games are on Google Play, where we have an open capacity to serve a borderless learning community inspired by the STEM learning model. All games are rated E for Everyone.

Program Objectives:


Through MHF’s STEM II program, students will learn a plethora of skills needed for successful industry induction and navigation. It is MHF’s objective, through this program to engage and equip students with the following skills and competencies:


  • Inspire student interest in game design and framework mastery by identifying gaming narratives, character creation, storylines, soundtracks, and activities, all to build interactive gaming communities
  • Identify and communicate rules of number, pattern manipulation, and associated terminology for game design and production tools and processes
  • Effectively apply computational, arithmetic, geometric, and algebraic skills to solve problems
  • Estimate time, number, and solutions to determine outcomes and evaluate alternatives
  • Utilize computer program theories and languages to create game behavior and control the game environment



Briefie’s Wild Space Drive

Something is going on with the race cars that will be used in the competition in Pedoor, and Briefie has a haunting suspicion about who the masterminds are behind the mechanical issues. But before he can make his case, he must gather all the information to affirm his suspicions. 


Coming Soon


Briefie’s Galaxy Jump

The preparation for the Intergalactic Olympics is on the way, and Briefie has been chosen to go and retrieve the Edmlon Rod. This rod holds all the prize winnings. However, while on the journey, Briefie quickly realizes that something unusual is going on.

Coming Soon



Briefie’s Wacky Connex 

On the play board in Scogie for all to see, Briefie and King Kevenlor battle it out in this nail-biting adventure. Will the deal between Briefie and King Kevenlor be unsealed with Briefie’s seven-time victory, or will it not?


Coming Soon