MHF Incorporates PYD Strategies    

By addressing social emotional learning needs utilizing Positive Youth Development (PYD) frameworks, we can address specific stress factors that will support student career development and success. Utilizing simulation learning strategies through the consistent use of the Five Cs of PYD – confidence, competence, connection, character, and contribution – in our approach to career development will address issues causing maladaptive fear behaviors that cause anxiety and stress student enter the workplace. 

MHF PYD Strategy 1: Provide School-to-Work Resource Correlation

MHF program curriculum is designed to create a school-to-work resource correlation so that the student will be able to identify resources that exist in the school that will also exist in the workplace. By providing students with school-to-work resource correlation, they will be able to clearly understand, access, and respond to various individuals in their perspective places. For example, connecting a social emotional school support like the guidance counselor’s role to a workplace social emotional support through an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) would be an example of school-to-work resource correlation. Creating linkages of roles will better help students to access resources when they need them.


MHF PYD Strategy 2: Integrate Career Preparation Curriculum with Simulation Activities


MHF curriculum is aligned with state learning standards designed to introduce, practice, and allow mastery of healthy problem-solving strategies to effectively navigate each phase of the Employee Life Cycle. Using the Employee Life Cycle as a guide will ensure the student will have a comprehensive introductory immersion of workplace preparation, entry, and existence. Content is designed to help provide meaningful feedback and exposure that will allow a safe space for students to process information and should feedback be constructive criticism, allow time for them to process feedback and process and appropriately store for later usage.




MHF PYD Strategy 3: Create a Universal Language that Bridges School and Work


Create vocabulary and systems linkages between education and the workplace that will incorporate consistency and allow students to better understand school and workplace expectations and contributions. Universal language creation will be achieved through consistent language use of workplace environments in alignment with the Employee Life Cycle.



MHF PYD Strategy 4: Community Contribution and Conflict Resolution


Create opportunities for students to engage and take ownership of their role in community contribution and relate this to their functions and roles in the workplace. Guide students in developing meaningful relationships and social networks designed to promote confidence in their community investments. Provide students with opportunities for resolving conflicts with peers and authority. Utilizing self-advocacy methodologies to bring concerns in a healthy, respectful manner allowing students to invest in and repair broken relationships.