DEI in the Workplace and Why Students Need to Know What It Is

Articles Sep 01, 2023

Written by Sherreccia Jackson

In order for students to thrive in the workplace, they need to be aware of DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion). It is not only important from a social standpoint, but also from a business perspective.

Teachers and career developers should strive to create an inclusive environment in the classroom.

Everybody is different, and we should embrace our differences rather than try to hide them. By being inclusive and respectful, we can create a world that is better for everybody.


What is DEI?

DEI is an acronym that stands for diversity, equity, and inclusion. It’s a term that encompasses the idea that everyone deserves to be respected and included, no matter their background or identity.

From a business perspective, it’s important to have a diverse workforce because it allows companies to tap into a wider range of perspectives and ideas. It can also lead to better decision-making and innovation.

From a social standpoint, inclusion is important because it allows everyone to feel like they belong. When people feel included, they are more likely to be engaged and productive.

Additionally, inclusion can help to break down barriers and build understanding between different groups of people.


Why is it Important for Students to Know About DEI?

DEI is important for students because it broadens their understanding of the world and how to interact with people who are different from them. It also helps them to develop skills that will be valuable in the workplace, such as empathy, cultural competence, and conflict resolution.

In addition, DEI can help students to become more aware of their own privilege and how they can use it to create a more just and equitable world.

Learning about DEI is not only important for students; it’s crucial for everyone to understand. By increasing our understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion, we can make our communities and workplaces more welcoming and inclusive for everyone.


How Teachers and Career Developers Can Foster Growth in DEI

Teachers and career developers play an important role in promoting DEI. In today's increasingly globalized and diverse world, it is essential that we understand and appreciate the differences between people.

DEI strategies help us to do this by fostering growth in areas such as acceptance, communication, and collaboration. When we employ these strategies within our classrooms and workplaces, we can create more inclusive environments where everyone feels valued and respected.

Additionally, by increasing our understanding of DEI, we can better support our students and employees in their own journey of self-discovery and growth.

Ultimately, when we commit to promoting DEI, we are not only making our schools and organizations more equitable places, but we are also preparing ourselves for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

 Here are a few practices that teachers and career developers can incorporate in order to foster growth in DEI:


  •  Encourage students to celebrate their differences and learn about other cultures.
  • Provide opportunities for students to have difficult conversations about DEI in a safe and respectful environment.
  • Create lesson plans and activities that focus on DEI.
  •  Encourage students to get involved in organizations or clubs that focus on social justice.
  •  Model inclusive behavior in the classroom and workplace.


By taking these steps, we can help students to understand the importance of DEI. The most important thing is to start having these conversations with students and make sure that everyone feels included and respected.



DEI is an important topic that teachers, career developers, and students should be familiar with. It’s essential for creating an inclusive environment in the workplace and in society.

By understanding DEI, we can better support each other in our journey of self-discovery and growth. Ultimately, promoting DEI is about making our world a more equitable place for everyone.

 What are your thoughts? Do you think that DEI is important for students to know about? Why or why not? Let us know in the comments below!