Analyzing Workplace Culture: The Check-Up

Articles Sep 01, 2023

Written by Sherreccia Jackson

There's no question that workplace culture is important. It can make or break employees' experiences and determine how much they are able to contribute to the company. But what is workplace culture, exactly?

Many people think of it as simply the way things are done around the office: the traditions, customs, and unwritten rules. However, it's much more than that. Workplace culture encompasses everything, from how employees relate to one another to the company's mission and values.

Workplace culture plays a huge role in determining not only how productive employees are, but also their overall satisfaction with their jobs.


What is Workplace Culture and Why is it Important?

Workplace culture can be defined as the shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that characterize a company. It's often reflected in things like the company's mission statement, the way employees dress and interact with each other, and the physical environment of the office.

Workplace culture can impact employee satisfaction and retention. Employees who feel like they fit in and share the company's values are more likely to be engaged and stay with the company long-term.

A positive, supportive culture can lead to higher levels of creativity and collaboration, while a negative culture can create an environment of anxiety and stress that saps motivation.

In today's competitive marketplace, maintaining a strong workplace culture is essential for any business that wants to succeed.


Why Do Employees Need to Understand the Company's Mission?

Every company has a mission, whether it is explicitly stated or not. The mission of a company is the reason that it exists; it is the guiding principle that drives all decision-making. This is what sets the tone for everything else that happens within the organization. It's the foundation that everything else is built upon, and it needs to be clear, concise, and inspiring.

Employees need to understand the company's mission in order to be fully invested in their work. They need to know why they're doing what they're doing, and how it fits into the bigger picture. Without this understanding, it's all too easy for employees to become disengaged and uninterested in their work.

Creating a strong workplace culture starts with having a clear mission that everyone can get behind. From there, everything else will fall into place. Knowing the mission can help employees feel more connected to their work and their colleagues. When everyone is working towards the same goal, they feel a sense of purpose and unity.

In short, employees need to understand the mission of their company in order to be effective members of the team.


Toxic Workplaces vs. Good Workplaces

A toxic workplace is one that is characterized by negativity, drama, and a general feeling of unease. It's the kind of place where employees are constantly stressed out, and where they don't feel like they have the support of their colleagues. This type of environment can be incredibly damaging to an employee's well-being and productivity.

On the other hand, good workplace culture is one that is positive, supportive, and motivating. Employees in this type of environment feel like they are part of a community, and they are able to do their best work.


How Can Employees Contribute to Building a Positive Work Culture?

There are a few things that employees can do to make sure they maintain a good workplace culture:

 -      Be clear about their expectations.

-      Be clear on the company's mission and values.

-      Communicate openly and honestly.

-      Be respectful of their colleagues.

-      Take the time to get to know their co-workers.

-      Be an advocate for positive change.

-      Speak up if they see something that isn't right.

By taking these steps, employees can help create a positive and productive workplace culture.


What Steps Should Companies Take to Develop and Maintain a Healthy Workplace Culture?

In order for companies to build solid relationships, they need to develop clear guidelines about company culture expectations and put into motion accountability measures to ensure the culture stays healthy.

Culture determines how employees interact with each other, how they make decisions, and how they handle conflict.

It's important for companies to foster a positive company culture, because it can lead to increased productivity, employee retention, and overall satisfaction. In order to do this, companies need to be clear about their expectations and put into place measures that will hold employees accountable. For example, they can have regular check-ins with employees to see how they're doing, have an anonymous reporting system for employees to flag issues, and provide training on how to resolve conflict.

By taking these steps, companies can create a positive company culture that will solidify relationships and lead to success.



Workplace culture is important because it can make or break a company. A toxic workplace culture will drive away good employees, while a good workplace culture will keep employees happy and productive.

Employees need to understand the company's mission in order to feel like they are part of something bigger and contribute positively to their work environment.

Companies should take steps to develop and maintain a healthy workplace culture by being transparent, listening to employee feedback, and creating an organizational chart that reflects the company's values.

Do you have a workplace culture that you love, or one that needs improvement?