The Power of Thank You: What Happens When Employees Feel Appreciated?

Articles Sep 01, 2023

Written by Sherreccia Jackson

Everyone knows the feeling: you do something nice for someone, and the person doesn’t even say thank you. It feels terrible. We've all been there. Now imagine how your employees feel when they go above and beyond at work and don't receive any positive feedback.

Thankfully, showing appreciation is an easy way to boost employee morale, increase productivity, and create a harmonious working environment. And it doesn't matter what level you are in your career—a little thank you can go a long way.


The Importance of Showing Appreciation

According to Forbes, a recent study found that 49% of workers would stay at their current job if they were simply shown more appreciation. That's powerful stuff. A small gesture like saying thank you can make your employees feel valued, appreciated, and more likely to stick around.

And it's not just employees who benefit from appreciation. Managers also reap the rewards. In fact, according to Workstars, 82% of employees said they would work harder for a boss who showed appreciation.

So if you're a manager looking to increase productivity, showing some appreciation is a great place to start.

There are also actually two scientific explanations:

The first has to do with a psychological theory called the Zeigarnik effect. It posits that humans are more likely to remember tasks that get interrupted and therefore are not completed; we tend to remember incomplete tasks better than completed ones.

This means that when employees complete a project, they're more likely to remember all of the hard work they put in if they receive some sort of feedback—whether positive or negative.

So if you want your employees to remember all of the great work they're doing, make sure to give them positive feedback and show appreciation.

The second explanation comes from neuroscience. When we feel appreciated, our brains release dopamine. That dopamine release actually makes us feel good, which in turn makes us want to repeat the behavior that led to the release in the first place.

In other words, appreciating your employees will make them want to do even more great work. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved.


How to Show Appreciation

Now that we know why showing appreciation is so important, let's talk about how to do it effectively. Obviously, saying "thank you" is always a good place to start. But there are plenty of other ways to show appreciation in addition to verbalizing it.

 Here are a few ideas:

 -      Publicly recognize good work in team meetings or company-wide emails.

-      Write personal thank-you notes.

-      Send gift cards or treats.

-      Give paid time off.

-      Allow flexible schedules.



No matter what industry you're in or what level you're at in your career, taking the time to say thank you can have a huge impact on both individual employees and your company as a whole.

By increasing productivity and creating a positive working environment, showing appreciation is one of the simplest and most effective ways to improve your business. So don't forget to say thank you!