Students and Teachers: The Learning Relationship

Articles Sep 01, 2023

Written by Sherreccia Jackson

In any profession, the relationship between those who are in it and those who are learning it is essential for success. For students, having a trusting relationship with their teacher allows for an open exchange of information.

 In turn, this helps students learn more and feel confident in their ability to do so.

For teachers, establishing trust with their students lays the foundation for a productive classroom dynamic. When both parties feel comfortable with one another, learning can flourish.


Student-Teacher Relationships: The Importance of Trust

The learning relationship is one of the first relationships students develop that mimics an employer/employee relationship. Developing and cultivating this relationship will allow students to build emotional intelligence and response banks for situations regarding feedback and constructive criticism.

 In other words, this type of relationship provides students with the ability to effectively “network.”

In today’s job market, it is not enough to simply have the skill set required for a position. We must also be able to demonstrate our ability to work well with others.

The teacher-student relationship is the perfect opportunity for students to begin developing their interpersonal skills. Those who are able to build trusting relationships with their teachers will likely find it easier to do so with future employers.

Conversely, teachers who can establish trusting relationships with their students will find that they are more engaged in the classroom. When students feel comfortable with their teacher, they are more likely to take risks and participate in class. This creates a dynamic learning environment where both teacher and student can grow.

Ultimately, the success of any learning relationship depends on the willingness of both parties to invest in it. When students and teachers make an effort to trust and respect one another, they create an environment where learning can thrive.


How Can Teachers Establish Trust with Their Students?

There are many ways in which teachers can establish trust with their students. One of the most important things teachers can do is to be consistent in their words and actions. This lets students know that they can rely on their teacher to be the same person every day.

It is also important for teachers to be fair and honest with their students. This helps students understand that their teacher has their best interests at heart.

Another way to build trust is by being open and transparent with students. This means sharing not only the successes but also the challenges that come with teaching. When students see that their teachers are human, they can begin to see them as approachable figures.

Finally, teachers should listen to their students. This shows that they value their opinions and are interested in hearing what they have to say.

When teachers take the time to build trust with their students, they create an environment where learning can thrive.

 Students who feel comfortable with their teachers are more likely to participate in class and take risks. This, in turn, leads to a more dynamic and successful learning experience for all involved.


How Can Students Improve Relationship Building Skills?

There are many ways in which students can build confidence in their relationship-building skills.

One of the best ways to do this is to practice active listening. This means really paying attention to what the other person is saying and responding in a way that shows you understand.

It is also important to be assertive when communicating with others. This means being clear about what you want and need, without being aggressive.

Another way to build confidence is by being aware of your body language. This includes things like making eye contact, smiling, and maintaining an open posture. These nonverbal cues can make a big difference in how you are perceived by others.

Finally, it is important to be genuine in your interactions with others. People can usually tell when you are being fake, and this can damage relationships.

When students take the time to build confidence in their relationship-building skills, they set themselves up for success in all areas of their life.

Those who can effectively communicate and connect with others will find it easier to do so in all areas of their life, whether it be in the classroom, at work, or in their personal relationships.



Trusting relationships between educators and their students are essential for both parties.

Students need to feel confident in their ability to trust others in order to form the types of relationships that will help them succeed in life. Teachers must be patient, understanding, and supportive as they work to develop these trusting relationships with their students.

It takes time for a student to open up, but when they finally do, it’s worth all the effort! How have you fostered trust with your students?